Read our free hospitality guidance

With this free guide, learn how to reopen your pub, cafe, restaurant or bar safely with effective social distancing and mobile ordering.

There can be no denying that the rise of coronavirus has caused the hospitality industry to change and adapt - perhaps for a matter of weeks and months, or perhaps forever.

The hospitality industry has been one of the worst affected sectors, with social restrictions putting a pause on business as usual and creating tension and uncertainty amongst both consumers, and the millions of hospitality workers who are now facing job uncertainty. Because of this, we’re all having to change tack in order to make it through these challenging and uncertain times.

The Government are enforcing ‘Covid Secure’ guidelines to protect staff and customers in venues as they start to reopen, which businesses must adhere to. 

Innovative technology is being developed too, which is helping to support hospitality businesses faced with many operational challenges when  it comes to reopening in-line with the guidance.

We’ve put a handy guide together that identifies the risks ahead and some of the solutions available to help you navigate reopening both safely and effectively. Included is a step-by-step guide to setting up mobile ordering in your venue.

Inside your complimentary guide you will find:

  • A checklist of Covid risks and how to address them
  • How to make your venue more Covid secure with table ordering
  • 5 easy steps to get Yoello mobile ordering set up alongside your existing system
  • How to increase revenue when running at a reduced capacity

As well as providing comprehensive hospitality Covid guidance, this free resource will tell you more about how making changes to your business now could set you up for a future of better service, and increased revenue.

Download your free guide today, simply fill out the form to download.

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